Thursday 19 November 2015

Stylised Instagram Account

It is becoming increasingly important to have a stylised theme throughout your Instagram, if you have an appealing, well maintained and constructed page then your followers with reflect that. Step away from the generic product shots and invite viewers into the production, development and even at times stresses of running a small business. I believe that something that is important to remember when you're a creative entrepreneur is that you are a tiny fish in a gigantic retail pond, you can't (more than likely) afford expensive advertisements so social media is your secret weapon to success. 

The whole branding, product range and general output of Darwin & Gray is simplistic and my Social Media profiles are reflective of that theme. I am forever taking photos of 'works in progress' and so whether I am mid painting, stamping or sewing i have drilled into my head that I must remember to capture it to use at a later date to promote the product I'm working on.
Creating content for your page is only half the battle, knowing how and when to use it is the other half. Depending on your target audience your peak times will differ, thanks to a recent influx in the 'mummy online community' becoming obsessed with Darwin & Gray I have taken on board that my posts receive a lot more attention later in the evening or in the world of a good majority of my current consumers - it is way past bedtime for their kids meaning they can browse the internet. This being said I have learnt to post later in the day to ensure I get an increased level of engagement. 

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