Saturday 23 April 2016

008. E X H I B I T I ON.

Darwin & Gray has always been a web based brand so for my exhibition alongside the compulsory printed panel, I set myself the task of setting up a concession. Originally I wanted to create enough stock to exhibit on the private viewing night for pieces to be taken away free of charge but after realising that as Brits, we are notorious for loving a freebie so I wouldn't be surprised if my stand cleared and was left looking a little bare so unfortunately that idea was quickly pushed aside.
Being totally swamped by the design of my booklets for weeks I decided to tackle my exhibition as soon as my deadline had passed, now I've realised that wasn't such a good idea as a lot of the custom made stands, hooks and shelving won't arrive on top so alas, it won't be the finished, super stylised stand that I was originally hoping for.

P A N E L  L A Y O U T.

Trying to piece together the design for my panel was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Baring in mind that my exhibition will feature across two walls, with the printed panel, a shop concession-esque wall, my printed booklet and an Imac showing my website I was torn as to what would need to be on my printed panel. Narrowing down photos, I figured that my Letter cushions were the beginning of Darwin & Gray and they the background for a lot of my promotional content so they should take pride of place as the main image at the top of the panel. 

Whilst trying to fathom a way to lay my panel out, I decided to create a timeline of the history of Darwin & Gray from 2012-2016 to potentially use on my final printed panel.

I N I T I A L  I D E A S.

I N S P I R A T I O N. 

The internet is the best place for inspiration, even to gather finer details such as wall hooks or simple colour combinations. When trying to fathom how to bring my exhibition together I kept a selection of photographs that I felt visually drawn too and narrowed them down to the imagery that I feel most suited my ideas as well as Darwin & Gray's look.

B O O K L E T  P R E S E N T A T I O N.

Having boxed my booklet in the way that it would be posted out, I had to then think how to present it at the exhibition, I figured a stand with be my best bet so people can pick it up and flick through the pages. As well as the main publication, I want to exhibit my mini books as well just so there is more information available if desired. 

M O C K  U P S.

In order to assist my problem solving, I always have to lay out the issue visually whether it is through sketches or photographs, having my boards already standing at University ready for my display to be fixed upon I couldn't have a trial at setting everything up at home so I figured the best way to tackle it and give myself peace of mind was to digitally create mock ups that would aid the process. 
Admittedly proportions and angles are completely out but it definitely helped my understanding of spacial awareness and whether things visually worked or not. 
Having worked with chipboard for quite some time for display purposes I felt it was kind of compulsory that I included it within my exhibition, I've always liked layering things, I like the crossover of different textures and multiple levels so as soon as I saw the photos of the exhibition from London layering display boards, I knew that idea would be perfect for Darwin & Gray. As well as this, the chipboard block that would overlay the white MDF boards provided by University were able to be stored in my studio so I am currently constructing my shop at home and being able to test the layouts more so as well as getting help from family with regards to drilling shelving and so on, helping ease the stress of the entire process. 
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